Table 2.

SCCRIP and SAC participants analyzed for genetic associations with acute VOP

VariableSCCRIP (N = 327)SAC (N = 175)PSCCRIP
Female (N = 159)Male (N = 168)P
Sex   .85   ND 
 Female (N, %) 159 (48.6) 83 (47.4)  159 (100) 0 (0)  
 Male (N, %) 168 (51.4) 92 (52.6)  0 (0) 168 (100)  
On HU therapy*   <.0001   .51 
 Never (N, %) 185 (56.6) 148 (84.6)  93 (58.5) 92 (54.8)  
 Ever (N, %) 142 (43.4) 27 (15.4)  66 (41.5) 76 (45.2)  
HU initiation age (y) (mean, SD) 2.7 (1.5) 8.3 (1.6) <.0001 2.6 (1.6) 2.8 (1.3) .17 
Time on HU (mean, SD) 2.8 (1.3) 2.3 (1.6) .08 2.8 (1.5) 2.8 (1.1) .86 
On chronic transfusion therapy*   ND   .04 
 Never (N, %) 281 (85.9) ND  130 (81.8) 151 (89.9)  
 Ever (N, %) 46 (14.1) ND  29 (18.2) 17 (10.1)  
−α3.7 deletion      .35 
 αα/αα (N, %) 219 (67.0) ND  111 (69.8) 108 (64.3)  
 −α3.7α/αα (N, %) 95 (29.0) ND  38 (23.9) 57 (33.9)  
 −α3.7α/−α3.7α (N, %) 13 (4.0) ND  10 (6.3) 3 (1.8)  
Genotypes determined by WGS   .24   .22 
 HbSS (N, %) 316 (96.6) 165 (94.3)  156 (98.1) 160 (95.2)  
 HbSβ0 thalassemia (N, %) 11 (3.4) 10 (5.7)  3 (1.9) 8 (4.8)  
Age in years (mean, SD) 5.8 (0.7) 10.8 (0.7) <.0001 5.8 (0.7) 5.8 (0.6) .82 
VOP event rate (events/100 person-years, %) 12.5 (26.3) 53.2 (56.6) <.0001 11.2 (22.8) 13.7 (29.3) .81 
VariableSCCRIP (N = 327)SAC (N = 175)PSCCRIP
Female (N = 159)Male (N = 168)P
Sex   .85   ND 
 Female (N, %) 159 (48.6) 83 (47.4)  159 (100) 0 (0)  
 Male (N, %) 168 (51.4) 92 (52.6)  0 (0) 168 (100)  
On HU therapy*   <.0001   .51 
 Never (N, %) 185 (56.6) 148 (84.6)  93 (58.5) 92 (54.8)  
 Ever (N, %) 142 (43.4) 27 (15.4)  66 (41.5) 76 (45.2)  
HU initiation age (y) (mean, SD) 2.7 (1.5) 8.3 (1.6) <.0001 2.6 (1.6) 2.8 (1.3) .17 
Time on HU (mean, SD) 2.8 (1.3) 2.3 (1.6) .08 2.8 (1.5) 2.8 (1.1) .86 
On chronic transfusion therapy*   ND   .04 
 Never (N, %) 281 (85.9) ND  130 (81.8) 151 (89.9)  
 Ever (N, %) 46 (14.1) ND  29 (18.2) 17 (10.1)  
−α3.7 deletion      .35 
 αα/αα (N, %) 219 (67.0) ND  111 (69.8) 108 (64.3)  
 −α3.7α/αα (N, %) 95 (29.0) ND  38 (23.9) 57 (33.9)  
 −α3.7α/−α3.7α (N, %) 13 (4.0) ND  10 (6.3) 3 (1.8)  
Genotypes determined by WGS   .24   .22 
 HbSS (N, %) 316 (96.6) 165 (94.3)  156 (98.1) 160 (95.2)  
 HbSβ0 thalassemia (N, %) 11 (3.4) 10 (5.7)  3 (1.9) 8 (4.8)  
Age in years (mean, SD) 5.8 (0.7) 10.8 (0.7) <.0001 5.8 (0.7) 5.8 (0.6) .82 
VOP event rate (events/100 person-years, %) 12.5 (26.3) 53.2 (56.6) <.0001 11.2 (22.8) 13.7 (29.3) .81 

P values in bold represent statistically significant associations (P < .05). Fisher’s exact test was used to compare sex, HU therapy, chronic transfusion therapy, the −α3.7 deletion, and SCD genotype between SCCRIP and SAC participants and between male and female participants in the SCCRIP cohort. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to compare HU initiation age, time on HU, age in years, and VOP event rate between the 2 groups, as listed above. HU, hydroxyurea; ND, not determined; SD, standard deviation.


Hydroxyurea therapy or chronic transfusion therapy administered at any time up to 6 years of age for SCCRIP participants or up to 11 years of age for SAC participants.

P value was calculated based on a 2 × 2 contingency table of the number of participants with αα/αα vs −α3.7α/αα or −α3.7α/−α3.7α.

Age at last follow-up or censored at 6 years of age for SCCRIP participants or at 11 years of age for SAC participants.

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