Table 2.

Breakthrough events (patients 3 and 5 had no events)

PatientTime taken between initiation of pegcetacoplan and BTH (d) Precipitating event at BTHLDH during stable pegcetacoplan treatment (× ULN)LDH at time of breakthrough (× ULN)Time taken for LDH return baseline (d)Hb baseline (g/L)Hb at BTH (g/L)Time taken for Hb to fall (d)Drop in Hb (g/L)Management of BTH event
1a 262 Infection Normal 4.9 97 86 11 Eculizumab single dose (900 mg) 
1b 254 COVID-19 and flu vaccination 1.4 5.1 19 130 89 41 Eculizumab 2 doses (900 mg); increase pegcetacoplan dosing frequency to every 3 d 
1c 315 Norovirus infection 1.4 Hemolyzed  NA 145 117 28 Eculizumab single dose (900 mg) 
174 Infection (site unclear) Normal 2.1 13 103 78 25 No change 
4a 19 No event NA  4.9 20 120 102 18 Eculizumab restarted (900 mg) every 2 wk 
4b 60 No event NA  6.5 22 118 76 42 Eculizumab increased (1200 mg) every 2 wk; increase pegcetacoplan dosing frequency to every 3 d 
4c Already on combination treatment Lower respiratory tract infection Normal 4.2 Awaited 120 71 39 Eculizumab increased (1500 mg) every 2 wk; daily pegcetacoplan for 3 d 
PatientTime taken between initiation of pegcetacoplan and BTH (d) Precipitating event at BTHLDH during stable pegcetacoplan treatment (× ULN)LDH at time of breakthrough (× ULN)Time taken for LDH return baseline (d)Hb baseline (g/L)Hb at BTH (g/L)Time taken for Hb to fall (d)Drop in Hb (g/L)Management of BTH event
1a 262 Infection Normal 4.9 97 86 11 Eculizumab single dose (900 mg) 
1b 254 COVID-19 and flu vaccination 1.4 5.1 19 130 89 41 Eculizumab 2 doses (900 mg); increase pegcetacoplan dosing frequency to every 3 d 
1c 315 Norovirus infection 1.4 Hemolyzed  NA 145 117 28 Eculizumab single dose (900 mg) 
174 Infection (site unclear) Normal 2.1 13 103 78 25 No change 
4a 19 No event NA  4.9 20 120 102 18 Eculizumab restarted (900 mg) every 2 wk 
4b 60 No event NA  6.5 22 118 76 42 Eculizumab increased (1200 mg) every 2 wk; increase pegcetacoplan dosing frequency to every 3 d 
4c Already on combination treatment Lower respiratory tract infection Normal 4.2 Awaited 120 71 39 Eculizumab increased (1500 mg) every 2 wk; daily pegcetacoplan for 3 d 

If more than 1 breakthrough event occurred per patient, this was indicated as a, event 1; b, event 2; and c, event 3.

LDH was not obtained on single-agent pegcetacoplan because of limited time on single-agent treatment.

Samples were hemolyzed. LDH before the event was normal and after the event was 1.1× ULN.

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