Table 1.

Patient demographics and baseline characteristics

CharacteristicN = 65
Race, n (%)  
Asian 65 (100.0) 
Sex, n (%)  
Male 45 (69.2) 
Female 20 (30.8) 
Age, y  
Median 68.0 
Range 28-85 
Mean ± SD 66.4 ± 11.1 
<65, n (%) 25 (38.5) 
≥65, n (%) 40 (61.5) 
ECOG performance status, n (%)  
36 (55.4) 
25 (38.5) 
4 (6.2) 
PTCL subtype by central review, n (%)  
PTCL-NOS 43 (66.2) 
AITL 17 (26.2) 
ALCL-ALK positive 
ALCL-ALK negative 3 (4.6) 
Clinical stage by Ann Arbor classification, n (%)  
Stage I 2 (3.1) 
Stage II 5 (7.7) 
Stage III 30 (46.2) 
Stage IV 28 (43.1) 
Number of previous chemotherapy regimens  
Median 2.0 
Range 1-11 
Mean ± SD 2.4 ± 1.8 
Relapsed/refractory status, n (%)  
Relapsed 39 (60.0) 
Refractory 21 (32.3) 
Unknown/unable to assess 5 (7.7) 
Previous hematopoietic stem cell transplant, n (%)  
No 57 (87.7) 
Yes 8 (12.3) 
Previous radiation therapy, n (%)  
No 58 (89.2) 
Yes 7 (10.8) 
CharacteristicN = 65
Race, n (%)  
Asian 65 (100.0) 
Sex, n (%)  
Male 45 (69.2) 
Female 20 (30.8) 
Age, y  
Median 68.0 
Range 28-85 
Mean ± SD 66.4 ± 11.1 
<65, n (%) 25 (38.5) 
≥65, n (%) 40 (61.5) 
ECOG performance status, n (%)  
36 (55.4) 
25 (38.5) 
4 (6.2) 
PTCL subtype by central review, n (%)  
PTCL-NOS 43 (66.2) 
AITL 17 (26.2) 
ALCL-ALK positive 
ALCL-ALK negative 3 (4.6) 
Clinical stage by Ann Arbor classification, n (%)  
Stage I 2 (3.1) 
Stage II 5 (7.7) 
Stage III 30 (46.2) 
Stage IV 28 (43.1) 
Number of previous chemotherapy regimens  
Median 2.0 
Range 1-11 
Mean ± SD 2.4 ± 1.8 
Relapsed/refractory status, n (%)  
Relapsed 39 (60.0) 
Refractory 21 (32.3) 
Unknown/unable to assess 5 (7.7) 
Previous hematopoietic stem cell transplant, n (%)  
No 57 (87.7) 
Yes 8 (12.3) 
Previous radiation therapy, n (%)  
No 58 (89.2) 
Yes 7 (10.8) 

ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; SD, standard deviation.

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