Table 1

Successful/available karyotype results among the 3 TLX1-defined groups

TLX1-high, no. (%)TLX1-low, no. (%)TLX1-neg, no. (%)
Total, n = 264 35 (13) 57§ (22) 172 (65) 
Karyotypes available, n = 175* 28 (16) 42 (24) 105 (60) 
    Abnormal (10)(q24) 11/28 (39) 
    Abnormal (clonal) with normal (10)(q24) 8/28 (29) 31/42 (74) 65/105 (62) 
    46XX or 46XY 9/28 (32) 11/42 (26) 40/105 (38) 
TLX1-high, no. (%)TLX1-low, no. (%)TLX1-neg, no. (%)
Total, n = 264 35 (13) 57§ (22) 172 (65) 
Karyotypes available, n = 175* 28 (16) 42 (24) 105 (60) 
    Abnormal (10)(q24) 11/28 (39) 
    Abnormal (clonal) with normal (10)(q24) 8/28 (29) 31/42 (74) 65/105 (62) 
    46XX or 46XY 9/28 (32) 11/42 (26) 40/105 (38) 

Unavailable karyotypes include 1, 4, and 17 failed karyotype attempts among the TLX1-high, TLX1-low, and TLX1-neg groups, respectively.

(10)(q24) aberrations included t(10;14)(q24;q11) in 7 cases, t(7;10)(q35;q24) in 2 cases, and del(10)(q24) and der(10) for 1 case each.

Thirty adults and 5 children.


Forty-one adults and 16 children.

One hundred adults and 72 children.

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