Table 2

Stage of maturation arrest based on TCR as described20  among the 3 TLX1-defined groups

Stage of maturation arrestTLX1-high, no. (%)TLX1-low, no. (%)TLX1-neg, no. (%)
Available phenotypes 32 53 156 
IM 1 (3) 17 (32) 39 (25) 
IMB or pre-AB 29 (91) 24 (45) 51 (33) 
TCR-AB 1 (3) 5 (9) 31 (20) 
TCR-GD 1 (3) 7 (13) 35 (22) 
Stage of maturation arrestTLX1-high, no. (%)TLX1-low, no. (%)TLX1-neg, no. (%)
Available phenotypes 32 53 156 
IM 1 (3) 17 (32) 39 (25) 
IMB or pre-AB 29 (91) 24 (45) 51 (33) 
TCR-AB 1 (3) 5 (9) 31 (20) 
TCR-GD 1 (3) 7 (13) 35 (22) 

IM indicates immature; IMB, immature with V-D-J TCRB but cTCRB negative; pre-AB, surface TCR-negative, cTCRB-expressing cases; TCR-AB, αβ T-cell-receptor expressing; and TCR-GD, γδ T-cell-receptor expressing.

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