Table 3

Molecular oncogenetic analysis

Oncogene expressionTLX1-high, no. (%)TLX1-low, no. (%)TLX1-neg, no. (%)
Total assessed 35 55 164 
TLX1 35 (100) 
TLX3 18 (33) 24 (15) 
CALM-AF10 10 (18) 12 (7) 
SIL-TAL1 3 (5) 23 (14) 
None of the above 24 (44) 105 (64) 
Oncogene expressionTLX1-high, no. (%)TLX1-low, no. (%)TLX1-neg, no. (%)
Total assessed 35 55 164 
TLX1 35 (100) 
TLX3 18 (33) 24 (15) 
CALM-AF10 10 (18) 12 (7) 
SIL-TAL1 3 (5) 23 (14) 
None of the above 24 (44) 105 (64) 

TLX1, TLX3, CALM-AF10, and SIL-TAL1 expression, measured by RQ-PCR, among the 3 TLX1-defined T-ALL groups.

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