Table 4

Clinical characteristics of the GRAALL-2003 and LALA-94 patients

Patients, no. 20 37 74  
Trial, LALA/GRAALL 14/6 29/8 55/19 .78 
Median age, y (range) 35.5 (17-51) 32 (17-54) 26 (16-58) .06 
Sex, M/F 17/3 27/10 61/13 .42 
Median WBC count × 109/L 19.0 (1.1-179) 12.6 (1.1-320) 22.6 (0.2-759) .36 
CR rate in one course (%) 20 (100) 26 (70) 57 (77) .007 
Overall CR rate (%) 20 (100) 30 (81) 68 (92) .22 
EFS at 3 y, %* (95% CI) 54 (24-76) 24 (9-42) 36 (23-49) .035 
OS at 3 years, %* (95% CI) 64 (32-84) 36 (17-55) 48 (34-62) .059 
Patients, no. 20 37 74  
Trial, LALA/GRAALL 14/6 29/8 55/19 .78 
Median age, y (range) 35.5 (17-51) 32 (17-54) 26 (16-58) .06 
Sex, M/F 17/3 27/10 61/13 .42 
Median WBC count × 109/L 19.0 (1.1-179) 12.6 (1.1-320) 22.6 (0.2-759) .36 
CR rate in one course (%) 20 (100) 26 (70) 57 (77) .007 
Overall CR rate (%) 20 (100) 30 (81) 68 (92) .22 
EFS at 3 y, %* (95% CI) 54 (24-76) 24 (9-42) 36 (23-49) .035 
OS at 3 years, %* (95% CI) 64 (32-84) 36 (17-55) 48 (34-62) .059 

All patients who underwent SCT were censored at SCT time.

Outcome comparisons were performed for the TLX1-high versus TLX1-neg/-low subgroup and adjusted on treatment protocol and age.

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