Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients with PNH from parent trials

CharacteristicsPilot, n = 11TRIUMPH, n = 87*SHEPHERD, n = 97
Sex, no. (%) 
    Male 6 (55) 35 (40) 48 (49) 
    Female 5 (45) 52 (60) 49 (51) 
Median age, y (range) 48 (21-67) 38 (18-85) 41 (18-78) 
Median disease duration, y (range) 8.7 (1.7-37.9) 6.5 (0.5-38.5) 4.9 (0.1-31.4) 
Reticulocyte count, × 1012/L (range) 0.14 (0.07-0.37) 0.21 (0.04-0.57) 0.14 (0.04-0.76) 
Platelet count, × 109/L (range) 182 (36-466) 162 (59-547) 136 (23-355) 
Median PNH granulocyte population size, % (range) 97.0 (47.8-99.8) 95.3 (82.6-99.5) 96.0 (1.1-99.9) 
Median PNH type III red cell population size, % (range) 37.0 (10.4-79.6) 29.5 (2.4-88.0) 33.5 (7.7-98.8) 
History of aplastic anemia or myelodysplastic syndromes, no. (%) 8 (73) 20 (23) 31 (32) 
History of TE events, no. (%) 3 (27) 17 (19) 42 (43) 
Use of antithrombotic agents, no. (%) 6 (55) 44 (51) 59 (61) 
Use of steroids, no. (%) 0 (0) 28 (32) 36 (37) 
CharacteristicsPilot, n = 11TRIUMPH, n = 87*SHEPHERD, n = 97
Sex, no. (%) 
    Male 6 (55) 35 (40) 48 (49) 
    Female 5 (45) 52 (60) 49 (51) 
Median age, y (range) 48 (21-67) 38 (18-85) 41 (18-78) 
Median disease duration, y (range) 8.7 (1.7-37.9) 6.5 (0.5-38.5) 4.9 (0.1-31.4) 
Reticulocyte count, × 1012/L (range) 0.14 (0.07-0.37) 0.21 (0.04-0.57) 0.14 (0.04-0.76) 
Platelet count, × 109/L (range) 182 (36-466) 162 (59-547) 136 (23-355) 
Median PNH granulocyte population size, % (range) 97.0 (47.8-99.8) 95.3 (82.6-99.5) 96.0 (1.1-99.9) 
Median PNH type III red cell population size, % (range) 37.0 (10.4-79.6) 29.5 (2.4-88.0) 33.5 (7.7-98.8) 
History of aplastic anemia or myelodysplastic syndromes, no. (%) 8 (73) 20 (23) 31 (32) 
History of TE events, no. (%) 3 (27) 17 (19) 42 (43) 
Use of antithrombotic agents, no. (%) 6 (55) 44 (51) 59 (61) 
Use of steroids, no. (%) 0 (0) 28 (32) 36 (37) 

Includes 43 eculizumab-treated patients and 44 placebo-treated patients.

Based on 31 patients with baseline values.

Based on 94 patients with baseline values

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