Table 2

Sites of pretreatment thromboembolism events

TE sitesEvents, no.Percentage of total
Venous thrombosis 
    Deep vein thrombosis 41 33.1 
        Lower extremity 23 18.5 
        Other* 18 14.5 
    Mesenteric/splenic vein thrombosis 23 18.5 
    Hepatic/portal vein thrombosis 21 16.9 
    Pulmonary embolus 6.5 
    Cerebral/internal jugular thrombosis 5.6 
    Superficial vein thrombosis 4.0 
Arterial thrombosis 
    Cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack 17 13.7 
    Myocardial infarction/unstable angina 1.6 
Total 124 100 
TE sitesEvents, no.Percentage of total
Venous thrombosis 
    Deep vein thrombosis 41 33.1 
        Lower extremity 23 18.5 
        Other* 18 14.5 
    Mesenteric/splenic vein thrombosis 23 18.5 
    Hepatic/portal vein thrombosis 21 16.9 
    Pulmonary embolus 6.5 
    Cerebral/internal jugular thrombosis 5.6 
    Superficial vein thrombosis 4.0 
Arterial thrombosis 
    Cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack 17 13.7 
    Myocardial infarction/unstable angina 1.6 
Total 124 100 

Pretreatment period includes placebo-treated patients in the TRIUMPH study.


Includes inferior vena cava, bilateral lower extremity, pelvic, ureter, axillary, subclavian, and brachiocephalic veins.

Occurred in 63 patients: 1 event in 35 patients, 2 events in 15 patients, 3 events in 7 patients, and 5 or more events in 6 patients.

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