Table 5

Thromboembolism events in patients receiving previous antithrombotics

TE eventsPilot*TRIUMPHSHEPHERDExtension (all studies)
Before treatment 
    Patients, no. 23 51 103 
    TE events, no. 26 40 
    Patient-years, no. 45.3 70.6 168.2 377.1 
    TE event rate, no. per 100 patient-years 8.83 12.74 15.46 10.61 
Eculizumab treatment 
    Patients, no. 23 51 103 
    TE events, no. 
    Patient-years, no. 28.8 11.9 51.0 161.9 
    TE event rate, no. per 100 patient-years 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62§ 
TE eventsPilot*TRIUMPHSHEPHERDExtension (all studies)
Before treatment 
    Patients, no. 23 51 103 
    TE events, no. 26 40 
    Patient-years, no. 45.3 70.6 168.2 377.1 
    TE event rate, no. per 100 patient-years 8.83 12.74 15.46 10.61 
Eculizumab treatment 
    Patients, no. 23 51 103 
    TE events, no. 
    Patient-years, no. 28.8 11.9 51.0 161.9 
    TE event rate, no. per 100 patient-years 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62§ 

Includes a 1-year and a 2-year extension study.

Includes TRIUMPH placebo-treated patients who transitioned to eculizumab treatment in the phase 3 extension study.

To qualify as a TE event on antithrombotic therapy, the event must have been verified to have occurred more than 2 weeks following initiation of antithrombotics.


P < .001 for comparisons of eculizumab treatment versus before treatment, signed rank test.

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