Table 1

Microarray analyses of myeloma patient samples confirm down-regulation of GLUT3 and up-regulation of GLUT8 and GLUT11

IsoformStudy title*Probe set IDFold changePSamples compared
GLUT3 Zhan myeloma M20681_at −3.219 2.13 × 10−10 MM (74) vs normal PCs from tonsil (7) and bone marrow (37) 
GLUT3 Zhan myeloma 3 202498_s_at −2.36 3.00 × 10−03 Smoldering MM (12) vs normal PCs from bone marrow (22) 
GLUT3 Zhan myeloma 3 202499_s_at −2.125 .015 Smoldering MM (12) vs normal PCs from bone marrow (22) 
GLUT8 Zhan myeloma 3 239426_at 1.382 .05 Smoldering MM (12) vs normal PCs from bone marrow (22) 
GLUT11 Mattioli myeloma 221262_s_at 1.855 3.00 × 10−03 MM (39) vs MGUS (7) and plasma cell leukemia (6) 
GLUT11 Mulligan myeloma 221262_s_at 1.565 5.95 × 10−03 MM patients: dexamethasone nonresponders (42) vs responders (28) 
GLUT1 Zhan myeloma 3 201250_s_at 1.858 5.87 × 10−04 Smoldering MM (12) vs normal PCs from bone marrow (22) 
GLUT1 Zhan myeloma 3 201249_at −1.000 .5 Smoldering MM (12) vs normal PCs from bone marrow (22) 
IsoformStudy title*Probe set IDFold changePSamples compared
GLUT3 Zhan myeloma M20681_at −3.219 2.13 × 10−10 MM (74) vs normal PCs from tonsil (7) and bone marrow (37) 
GLUT3 Zhan myeloma 3 202498_s_at −2.36 3.00 × 10−03 Smoldering MM (12) vs normal PCs from bone marrow (22) 
GLUT3 Zhan myeloma 3 202499_s_at −2.125 .015 Smoldering MM (12) vs normal PCs from bone marrow (22) 
GLUT8 Zhan myeloma 3 239426_at 1.382 .05 Smoldering MM (12) vs normal PCs from bone marrow (22) 
GLUT11 Mattioli myeloma 221262_s_at 1.855 3.00 × 10−03 MM (39) vs MGUS (7) and plasma cell leukemia (6) 
GLUT11 Mulligan myeloma 221262_s_at 1.565 5.95 × 10−03 MM patients: dexamethasone nonresponders (42) vs responders (28) 
GLUT1 Zhan myeloma 3 201250_s_at 1.858 5.87 × 10−04 Smoldering MM (12) vs normal PCs from bone marrow (22) 
GLUT1 Zhan myeloma 3 201249_at −1.000 .5 Smoldering MM (12) vs normal PCs from bone marrow (22) 

PCs indicates plasma cells; and MGUS, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance.


Oncomine (Compendia Bioscience) was used for analysis and visualization.

P values are from Oncomine where possible or represent results of 1-tailed, unpaired t tests between 2 clinical groups where values are not available.

Numbers in parentheses represent the number of samples in each clinical group.

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