Table 3

Studies investigating long-distance intercellular miRNA communication

AuthorsAnalyzed aspectCells/cell linestransported miRNAsMethodsReference
Yuan et al, 2009 Transfer of miRNAs by embryonic stem cell microvesicles Murine ES cells miR-290 Coculture, qRT-PCR, visual confirmation of GFP-labeled MV uptake 60 
MEFs miR-291-3p 
 miR-294, -295 
Zhang et al, 2010 Influence of secreted monocytic miR-150 on endothelial cell migration THP-1 primary PBMCs miR-150 and 26 others Endothelial cell migration and various reporter assays, quantification of miRNA target via western blot 24 
Collino et al, 2010 miRNA content of MSC and HLSC vesicles Primary MSCs and HLSCs miR-21, -451, qRT-PCR of producer cells, MVs, and target cells; visual confirmation of MV and miRNA uptake, quantification of miRNA targets 70 
mTEC miR-100, -99a 
 miR-223, -564 
Vickers et al, 2011 Cellular export and uptake of functional HDL-bound miRNAs Huh7, HEK293, J774, BHK cells, human plasma miR-135a* miRNA microarray and luciferase reporter assays, loss/gain of function studies 19 
miR-877, -223 
Grange et al, 2011 Exchange of genetic information between tumor and stromal cells HUVECs miR-29a/c, -19b, MV treatment of SCID mice, in vitro + in vivo angiogenesis + metastasis assays, mRNA/miRNA profiling 71 
CD105+ cancer stem cells miR-151, -650, 
 miR-200c, -141 
Hergenreider et al, 2012 Atheroprotective communication between endothelial cells and SMCs through miRNAs HUVECs miR-143 Coculture and reporter assays, qRT-PCR, injection of MVs into ApoE-/- mice + readout, antagomiR experiments 72 
HAECs miR-145 
Umezu et al, 2012 Leukemia cell to endothelial cell communication via exosomal miRNAs K562 miR-92a Coculture and reporter assays, miRNA expression profiling 67 
Fonsato et al, 2012 Antitumor effect of miRNA-containing vesicles on hepatoma cells HLSCs miR-451 Intratumor injection of miRNA and miRNA inhibitor–containing MVs into SCID mice 73 
HepG2 miR-223 
Primary hepatoma miR-24 
Xin et al, 2012 Communication between MSCs and neural cells via exosomal miRNAs Primary rat MSCs, neurons, and astrocytes miR-133b Coculture, knockdown, and luciferase reporter assays, in vitro treatment of neurons with MVs 74 
Ismail et al, 2013 Transport of macrophage-derived MVs to target cells Primary PBMCs miR-223 AntagomiR transfection, fluorescent MV labeling + microscopy, luciferase reporter assay, qRT-PCR 75 
Cantaluppi et al, 2012 miRNA-containing MVs released by endothelial cells preventing kidney injury Primary PBMCs miR-126 Injection of MVs into rats following IRI (also Dicer knocked-down/antagomiR MV application) 76 
TepCs miR-296 
Montecalvo et al, 2012 Transfer of functional miRNAs between murine DCs via exosomes Murine BM-derived DCs and 1H3.1 and OT-II T cells miR-451, miR148a Fluorescence- and microscopy-based analysis of MV uptake and cytosolic content release, miRNA profiling + reporter assays 77 
Katsman et al, 2012 Effect of ES cell MVs on retinal progenitor cells Murine ES cells miR-292 qRT-PCR 78 
MIO-M1 miR-295 
AuthorsAnalyzed aspectCells/cell linestransported miRNAsMethodsReference
Yuan et al, 2009 Transfer of miRNAs by embryonic stem cell microvesicles Murine ES cells miR-290 Coculture, qRT-PCR, visual confirmation of GFP-labeled MV uptake 60 
MEFs miR-291-3p 
 miR-294, -295 
Zhang et al, 2010 Influence of secreted monocytic miR-150 on endothelial cell migration THP-1 primary PBMCs miR-150 and 26 others Endothelial cell migration and various reporter assays, quantification of miRNA target via western blot 24 
Collino et al, 2010 miRNA content of MSC and HLSC vesicles Primary MSCs and HLSCs miR-21, -451, qRT-PCR of producer cells, MVs, and target cells; visual confirmation of MV and miRNA uptake, quantification of miRNA targets 70 
mTEC miR-100, -99a 
 miR-223, -564 
Vickers et al, 2011 Cellular export and uptake of functional HDL-bound miRNAs Huh7, HEK293, J774, BHK cells, human plasma miR-135a* miRNA microarray and luciferase reporter assays, loss/gain of function studies 19 
miR-877, -223 
Grange et al, 2011 Exchange of genetic information between tumor and stromal cells HUVECs miR-29a/c, -19b, MV treatment of SCID mice, in vitro + in vivo angiogenesis + metastasis assays, mRNA/miRNA profiling 71 
CD105+ cancer stem cells miR-151, -650, 
 miR-200c, -141 
Hergenreider et al, 2012 Atheroprotective communication between endothelial cells and SMCs through miRNAs HUVECs miR-143 Coculture and reporter assays, qRT-PCR, injection of MVs into ApoE-/- mice + readout, antagomiR experiments 72 
HAECs miR-145 
Umezu et al, 2012 Leukemia cell to endothelial cell communication via exosomal miRNAs K562 miR-92a Coculture and reporter assays, miRNA expression profiling 67 
Fonsato et al, 2012 Antitumor effect of miRNA-containing vesicles on hepatoma cells HLSCs miR-451 Intratumor injection of miRNA and miRNA inhibitor–containing MVs into SCID mice 73 
HepG2 miR-223 
Primary hepatoma miR-24 
Xin et al, 2012 Communication between MSCs and neural cells via exosomal miRNAs Primary rat MSCs, neurons, and astrocytes miR-133b Coculture, knockdown, and luciferase reporter assays, in vitro treatment of neurons with MVs 74 
Ismail et al, 2013 Transport of macrophage-derived MVs to target cells Primary PBMCs miR-223 AntagomiR transfection, fluorescent MV labeling + microscopy, luciferase reporter assay, qRT-PCR 75 
Cantaluppi et al, 2012 miRNA-containing MVs released by endothelial cells preventing kidney injury Primary PBMCs miR-126 Injection of MVs into rats following IRI (also Dicer knocked-down/antagomiR MV application) 76 
TepCs miR-296 
Montecalvo et al, 2012 Transfer of functional miRNAs between murine DCs via exosomes Murine BM-derived DCs and 1H3.1 and OT-II T cells miR-451, miR148a Fluorescence- and microscopy-based analysis of MV uptake and cytosolic content release, miRNA profiling + reporter assays 77 
Katsman et al, 2012 Effect of ES cell MVs on retinal progenitor cells Murine ES cells miR-292 qRT-PCR 78 
MIO-M1 miR-295 

BM, bone marrow; DC, dendritic cell; IRI, renal ischemia-reperfusion injury; MSC, mesenchymal stem cell; MV, microvesicle; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell; SCID, severe combined immunodeficiency; GFP, green fluorescent protein.

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