Table 2

Peptide mapping of plasminogen glycated by glucose

Tryptic peptideSequenceMass (Da)Peptide detectedNormalized intensity with respect to unglycated plasminogen
Rt (min)Molecular ion (m/z)
T17 NGITCQK 819.4 42.2 410.7 (M+2)/2 0.60 ± 0.13 
Glycated peptide NGITCQKFLWSSTSPHRPR 2173.0 58.7 1087.5 (M+2)/2  
T16-(FL)T17 725.3 (M+3)/3 
T64 CPGR 488.2 31.7 489.2 (M+1) 0.70 ± 0.14 
Glycated peptide KFLCPGR 778.3 — Not detected  
Tryptic peptideSequenceMass (Da)Peptide detectedNormalized intensity with respect to unglycated plasminogen
Rt (min)Molecular ion (m/z)
T17 NGITCQK 819.4 42.2 410.7 (M+2)/2 0.60 ± 0.13 
Glycated peptide NGITCQKFLWSSTSPHRPR 2173.0 58.7 1087.5 (M+2)/2  
T16-(FL)T17 725.3 (M+3)/3 
T64 CPGR 488.2 31.7 489.2 (M+1) 0.70 ± 0.14 
Glycated peptide KFLCPGR 778.3 — Not detected  

Cysteine residues have an S-acetamido modification. Peptide responses were normalized to peptide T83 as internal standard (FVTWIEGVJR), retention time 61.6 minutes, ion detected m/z = 627.3 [(M+2)/2]. Rt, retention time.

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