Table 1

Blood counts of K3+/+, K3+/n, K3n/n, K3n/−, and K3−/− chimeras

+/+( n = 9)+/n (n = 8)n/n (n = 9)n/− (n = 9)−/−chim (n = 4)
(103/µL) WBC 5.70 ±2.45 6.38 ±2.05 13.30 ±2.58 9.76 ±4.01 18.23 ±2.97 
(103/µL) NE 1.01 ±0.49 1.21 ±0.46 4.15 ±1.48 2.53 ±2.38 13.97 ±2.99 
(103/µL) LY 4.32 ±2.09 4.72 ±1.49 8.37± 2.27 6.62 ±3.68 3.33 ±0.55 
(106/µL) RBC 9.44 ±1.27 9.19± 0.82 8.35 ±1.21 8.35± 0.95 2.44 ±0.47 
(g/dL) Hb 13.93 ±2.29 13.56 ±1.19 12.56 ±2.12 12.71 ±1.53 5.78 ±0.77 
(106/µL) PLT 603± 138 452 ±62 593 ±112 695 ±216 648 ±167 
+/+( n = 9)+/n (n = 8)n/n (n = 9)n/− (n = 9)−/−chim (n = 4)
(103/µL) WBC 5.70 ±2.45 6.38 ±2.05 13.30 ±2.58 9.76 ±4.01 18.23 ±2.97 
(103/µL) NE 1.01 ±0.49 1.21 ±0.46 4.15 ±1.48 2.53 ±2.38 13.97 ±2.99 
(103/µL) LY 4.32 ±2.09 4.72 ±1.49 8.37± 2.27 6.62 ±3.68 3.33 ±0.55 
(106/µL) RBC 9.44 ±1.27 9.19± 0.82 8.35 ±1.21 8.35± 0.95 2.44 ±0.47 
(g/dL) Hb 13.93 ±2.29 13.56 ±1.19 12.56 ±2.12 12.71 ±1.53 5.78 ±0.77 
(106/µL) PLT 603± 138 452 ±62 593 ±112 695 ±216 648 ±167 

Hb, hemoglobin; LY, lymphocyte; NE, neutrophil; PLT, platelet; RBC, red blood cell; WBC, white blood cell.

Values are shown as mean ± SD.

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