Table 1.

Demographic features and common complications of enrolled patients

CharacteristicsAll (N = 254*)Amish (n = 55)Non-Amish (n = 199)
 Male 124 49% 14 25% 110 55% 
 Female 130 51% 41 75% 89 45% 
Age at diagnosis, y (range) 243 0.4 (0-60.3) 52 0 (0-10) 191 1.1 (0-60.3) 
Age at enrollment, y (range)       
 Overall 254 19.0 (0.1-69.9) 55 23.4 (0.2-60) 199 17.6 (0.1-69.9) 
 <18 123 6.4 (0.1-17.7) 22 7.4 (0.2-16.4) 101 6.1 (0.1-17.7) 
 ≥18 131 36.2 (18.0-69.9) 33 39.8 (18-60.4) 98 35.4 (18.2-69.9) 
White race 235 92.5% 55 100% 180 90% 
Hispanic ethnicity 18 7.1% 0% 18 9% 
Median number of lifetime transfusions (range) 191 18 (1-516) 39 12 (1-153) 152 25 (1-516) 
Splenectomized 150 59% 51 93% 99 50% 
Gallstones 112/248 45% 24 10% 88 35% 
Extramedullary hematopoiesis 23/254 9% 15 27% 4% 
 Hepatic 14  11   
 Splenic 14  11   
Pulmonary hypertension 8/237 3% 2% 4% 
Leg ulcers 4/240 2% 0% 2% 
Aplastic crises 34/245 14% 11% 28 15% 
Liver cirrhosis 8/240 3% 4% 3% 
Bone fracture 41/239 17% 13% 34 18% 
Endocrine dysfunction       
 Thyroid disease 11/241 5% 6% 4% 
 Growth hormone deficiency 6/236 3% 0% 3% 
 Hypoparathyroidism 3/232 1% 2% 3% 
 Diabetes 2/250 1% 0% 1% 
 Hypogonadal hypogonadism 0/233 0% 0% 0% 
Post pubertal 148/251 59% 39 71% 109 56% 
 Normal puberty 128/138 94% 35 97% 94 92% 
 Hormones administered 2/115 2% 0% 2% 
 Slowed/delayed puberty 9/118 8% 3% 9% 
CharacteristicsAll (N = 254*)Amish (n = 55)Non-Amish (n = 199)
 Male 124 49% 14 25% 110 55% 
 Female 130 51% 41 75% 89 45% 
Age at diagnosis, y (range) 243 0.4 (0-60.3) 52 0 (0-10) 191 1.1 (0-60.3) 
Age at enrollment, y (range)       
 Overall 254 19.0 (0.1-69.9) 55 23.4 (0.2-60) 199 17.6 (0.1-69.9) 
 <18 123 6.4 (0.1-17.7) 22 7.4 (0.2-16.4) 101 6.1 (0.1-17.7) 
 ≥18 131 36.2 (18.0-69.9) 33 39.8 (18-60.4) 98 35.4 (18.2-69.9) 
White race 235 92.5% 55 100% 180 90% 
Hispanic ethnicity 18 7.1% 0% 18 9% 
Median number of lifetime transfusions (range) 191 18 (1-516) 39 12 (1-153) 152 25 (1-516) 
Splenectomized 150 59% 51 93% 99 50% 
Gallstones 112/248 45% 24 10% 88 35% 
Extramedullary hematopoiesis 23/254 9% 15 27% 4% 
 Hepatic 14  11   
 Splenic 14  11   
Pulmonary hypertension 8/237 3% 2% 4% 
Leg ulcers 4/240 2% 0% 2% 
Aplastic crises 34/245 14% 11% 28 15% 
Liver cirrhosis 8/240 3% 4% 3% 
Bone fracture 41/239 17% 13% 34 18% 
Endocrine dysfunction       
 Thyroid disease 11/241 5% 6% 4% 
 Growth hormone deficiency 6/236 3% 0% 3% 
 Hypoparathyroidism 3/232 1% 2% 3% 
 Diabetes 2/250 1% 0% 1% 
 Hypogonadal hypogonadism 0/233 0% 0% 0% 
Post pubertal 148/251 59% 39 71% 109 56% 
 Normal puberty 128/138 94% 35 97% 94 92% 
 Hormones administered 2/115 2% 0% 2% 
 Slowed/delayed puberty 9/118 8% 3% 9% 

Countries (No. of patients enrolled) were United States (154), Germany (31), Italy (25), The Netherlands (23), Canada (14), and Czech Republic (7).

N, total number of patients with data available for the characteristic; n, number of patients per demographic characteristic.


Some denominators are less than 254 because some patients had unknown data.

Eleven patients had unknown age at diagnosis.

One hundred forty-eight patients were post pubertal; however, some patients had unknown data.

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