Table 3.

Multivariable analysis of risk factors for fracture

Risk factorEvents/NUnivariable (complete cases)Multivariable*
HR (95% CI)PHR (95% CI)P
Bone-protective medication      
 No predisposing history 60/603 1.00 .0022 1.00 .0042 
 Predisposing history, no medication 11/56 2.11 (1.08-4.12)  2.12 (1.08-4.16)  
 Predisposing history and medication 12/43 3.02 (1.58-5.76)  2.84 (1.49-5.43)  
DLBCL bone involvement      
 None 46/559 1.00 .001 1.00 .0026 
 Involvement, no fracture 18/94 2.23 (1.27-3.90)  2.28 (1.29-4.03)  
 Involvement, fracture 10/37 3.31 (1.65-6.63)  2.76 (1.37-5.58)  
Prephase steroid      
 No 43/415 1.00 .0320 1.00 .021 
 Yes 24/139 1.73 (1.05-2.84)  1.84 (1.11-3.05)  
Risk factorEvents/NUnivariable (complete cases)Multivariable*
HR (95% CI)PHR (95% CI)P
Bone-protective medication      
 No predisposing history 60/603 1.00 .0022 1.00 .0042 
 Predisposing history, no medication 11/56 2.11 (1.08-4.12)  2.12 (1.08-4.16)  
 Predisposing history and medication 12/43 3.02 (1.58-5.76)  2.84 (1.49-5.43)  
DLBCL bone involvement      
 None 46/559 1.00 .001 1.00 .0026 
 Involvement, no fracture 18/94 2.23 (1.27-3.90)  2.28 (1.29-4.03)  
 Involvement, fracture 10/37 3.31 (1.65-6.63)  2.76 (1.37-5.58)  
Prephase steroid      
 No 43/415 1.00 .0320 1.00 .021 
 Yes 24/139 1.73 (1.05-2.84)  1.84 (1.11-3.05)  

Variables included: age, sex, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (0, 1, 2, and 3-4), BMI group, smoking status, type 2 diabetes, alcohol use history, previous steroids within 12 mo, alkaline phosphatase, calcium (low, normal, or high), bone-protective medication (4 groups including comorbidities as in supplemental Table 3), bone involvement (3 groups as per univariable analysis table), prephase steroid, and non-lymphoma fracture at baseline. Stepwise backward selection with a cutoff of 0.05 was used.


Bone-protective medication includes vitamin D, calcium, and/or bisphosphonates.

Predisposing history: known osteoporosis, osteopenia, RA, or prior fracture.

Multivariable using complete cases from the backward selection model.

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