Che-1 overexpression correlates with progression of MM and with poorer clinical outcomes of patients. (A) AATF (ENSG00000108270) gene expression of CoMMpass patient cohort assigned to their relative ISS. Data were obtained from CoMMpass (table IA13a_E74GTF). Raw read counts normalized with the weighted trimmed mean of M-values (TMM). Color scheme: yellow = ISS 1; blue = ISS 2; violet = ISS 3. P value obtained by applying Student t test. (B) Top: The stacked bar plot summarizes the IHC scores associated with the patient samples stained for AATF. x-axis = ISS score, y-axis = frequency; legend = IHC scores. Numbers inside the plot show the available samples per group. Bottom: Representative IHC analysis of the bone marrow of patients with MM analyzed with anti–Che-1 antibody. Scale bar, 100 µm. (C) Kaplan-Meier survival curves for overall survival of 77 patients with MM separated according to Che-1 expression levels. P = .016. (D) Bottom: Cell proliferation analysis of Kms27 (1 × 106), Kms18, and RPMI-8226 (2 × 105) cells infected with LV-THsh/Che-1 (shChe-1) or LV-THsh/Control (shControl), and LV-tTR_KRAB lentiviruses and induced or not with doxycycline (Dox). Error bars represent the standard deviation of triplicate experiments. Top: western blot analysis with the indicated antibodies of total cell extracts from inducible cells treated as above. See also supplemental Figure 1.