Figure 1.
Schematics of new hFVIII variants and LVs incoporating cDNAs encoding GFP or hFVIII varants. (A) hFVIII variants. Compared with F8/N6, F8X10K12 had a deleted B domain, a 10–amino acid change in the A1 domain, and a 12–amino acid change in the light chain, and F8/N6K12RH had a 12–amino acid change in the light chain and an amino acid change at the furin cleavage site within the B domain (position R1645H). (B) Schematics of self-inactivating LV constructs encoding GFP under the control of an MND promoter or various hFVIII variants, including F8/N6, F8X10K12, and F8/N6K12RH, under the control of a ubiquitous EF1α promoter or platelet-specific GP1Bα promoter. CMV, cytomegalovirus; cPPT, central polypurine tract; CTS, central termination sequence.