Correlation of MIF and SOD1 expression in purified MM cells with patient outcomes. Gene-profiling data from the MMRF CoMMpass study were analyzed. Box plot showing the relationship between MIF expression and disease status for patients treated with PIs or their combination regimens (panel A for Btz and panel B for Cfz), and the band in the box indicates the median. SOD1 expression in patients with different disease status, sustained response (Response) vs Relapse treated with Btz (242 response and 177 relapsed patients) (C) or Cfz (141 response and 78 relapsed patients) (D). The Wilcoxon test was used for calculating P value. (E-G) Dot plots showing the coexpression patterns of SOD1 and MIF by analyzing the microarray data from Zhan et al65 (E) and Mulligan et al64 (F), or nonresponder (NR) and responder (R) patient data from Mulligan et al (G). Correlations were analyzed by linear regression with R calculated. PFS (H,J) and OS (I,K) curves were evaluated in MM patients treated with PIs (panels H and I for Btz; panels J and K for Cfz) or their combination regimens based on high (red, MIFhigh) or low MIF (blue, MIFlow) expression in MM cells. PFS (L,N) and OS (M,O) of PI-treated patients with high (red, SOD1high) and low (blue, SOD1low) SOD1 expression in MM cells. Curves were plotted by using Kaplan-Meier analysis, and statistical significance was measured by using the log-rank test. Single-agent Btz data were from combined gene-expression sets of the phase 2 and 3 trials in relapsed and/or refractory MM. Time to progression (proportion of progress-free cases) (P,R) and OS (Q,S) after Btz treatment in the combined trial databases were analyzed by using the Kaplan-Meier method based on patients with high (red) or low (blue) MIF (P,Q) or SOD1 expression (R,S) in MM cells. *P < .05; ****P < .0001.