Figure 3.
NK cells derived from lymphoma bearing mice show transcriptional upregulation of lipid metabolism. Splenic NK cells were purified from Eµ-myc lymphoma-bearing or healthy mice using flow cytometry at 14 days after inoculation of the lymphoma. The purified NK cells were subjected to RNAseq. (A) Volcano plot displaying log2-fold change (FC) and negative log10 adjusted P value of gene expression comparing NK cells derived from Eµ-myc vs healthy mice. Upregulated or downregulated genes in Eµ-myc compared with healthy NK are highlighted as red or blue, respectively. (B-C) Preranked gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of Eµ-myc vs healthy NK cell transcriptomes showing enrichment for gene ontology (GO) terms including “Negative regulation of immune system process” (B) “response to lipid” (C). (D) Genes in GO term “cellular metabolic process” were categorized into relevant subgroups (cell carbohydrates, cell lipid, cell amino acid, cell carb × cell amino, cell carb × cell lipid, cell lipid × cell amino acid). The Euler diagram was generated to show the percentages of significantly upregulated genes assigned to each subgroup. The size of each circle is proportional to the number of genes assigned to each subgroup. (E) Splenocytes were harvested from healthy and Eµ-myc lymphoma-bearing mice at day 14 postinoculation and CD36 expression of NK cells was assessed by flow cytometry (n = 5). Numbers in the representative plots denote the percentages of NK cells expressing CD36. Data show mean ± SEM; statistical significance (**P < .01) was determined by Mann-Whitney test. (F) Heatmap of differentially expressed genes involved in cellular metabolism.