Treatment algorithm for young fit NPM1-mutated AML patients with FLT3-ITDwt, FLT3-ITDlow, and FLT3-ITDhigh. All patients with mutated FLT3 (irrespective of allelic ratio) should receive FLT3 inhibitor plus CHT as induction/consolidation therapy. Some authorities consider allo-HSCT in CR1 for patients with FLT3-ITDlow, except for cases with ratio <0.1. *Whether patients with suboptimal reduction of NPM1 transcripts after 2 CHT cycles with or without FLT3 inhibitor (depending on FLT3 status) may benefit from allo-HSCT should be investigated in prospective clinical trials. **Proceed to allo-HSCT as soon as possible. ^Whether the subset of patients with FLT3-ITDhigh achieving MRD negativity after 2 CHT cycles may avoid allo-HSCT in CR1 should be investigated in prospective clinical trials. FLT3i, FLT3 inhibitor; NRM, nonrelapse mortality; WT, wild-type.