The TME in patients receiving flotetuzumab immunotherapy. (A) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering (Euclidean distance, complete linkage) of immune gene expression (n = 770 genes in the NanoString’s PanCancer IO360 panel) in baseline BM samples from 38 patients with R/R AML treated with flotetuzumab immunotherapy (color-coded per the legend). Complete responses were defined as either CR, CRh, CRi, or MLFS at the end of cycle 1. PRs were defined as >50% decrease in BM blasts from baseline or decrease to 5% to 25% BM blasts at the end of cycle 1. ClustVis, an online tool for clustering of multivariate data, was used for data analysis and visualization.40 (B) Expression of the top 10 genes associated with complete response to flotetuzumab (CR, CRh, CRi). A ranked gene list (χ2 values) was generated using the Orange3 software package (version 3.25.0). Unsupervised hierarchical clustering (Euclidean distance, complete linkage). The immune cluster was defined as previously detailed.9 (C) Heatmap summarizing the correlation coefficients (color-coded per the legend) between our 10-gene signature score and immune cell type–specific and biological activity signature scores in baseline BM samples from patients with R/R AML. (D) Analysis of functional protein association networks using STRING ( Top 20 molecules interacting with the top 10 genes in our signature are shown together with their predicted mode of action (highest confidence interaction scores > 0.900). Network nodes (query proteins) represent proteins produced by a single protein-coding gene locus. White nodes represent second shells of interactors. Empty and filled nodes indicate proteins of unknown or partially known 3-dimensional structure, respectively. Edges represent protein-protein associations. Line shapes denote predicted modes of action. (E) AUROC curve measuring the predictive ability of the 10-gene signature score for antileukemic activity from flotetuzumab. Standard errors and confidence intervals are provided in supplemental Table 11. AUROC = 1.0, perfect prediction; AUROC = 0.5, no predictive ability.