Figure 6.
KMT2A-PTD found by WTS, LD-RTPCR, and RT-PCR. In all 3 panels, each patient is represented by a point whose coordinates indicate the significance of a putative KMT2A-PTD in RNA (x-axis, exon sequencing depth difference in WTS) and DNA (y-axis, exon sequencing depth difference in the DNA-sequencing panel). Significance thresholds are indicated by dotted/dashed lines. Point sizes are proportional to the amount of chimeric reads supporting the PTD in WTS. (A) Thirty-three patients with ≥1 chimeric read in WTS (most likely KMT2A-PTDs). (B) Fourteen patients with a KMT2A fusion identified by WTS, CCA, or LD-RTPCR. (C) The 234 remaining patients who are unlikely to harbor a PTD or a fusion of KMT2A. Details about all patients are available in supplemental Table 11.