The probability of being alive after MCL diagnosis. The probability of being alive without having had an AHCT (blue field), alive and having had an AHCT (red field), dead without previous AHCT (light green field), and dead after AHCT (dark green field). The results are stratified by age, as a function of time since diagnosis, among stage IB+ MCL patients diagnosed between January 2000 and June 2014 aged up to 65 years at diagnosis, who were alive 6 months after diagnosis when follow-up started (n = 363). Follow-up was restricted to the first 10 years after diagnosis. The overall survival in each age group is the sum of the blue and red fields (indicated by the black dashed line). The 10-year overall survival was 57% among patients ≤49 years, 52% in those 50 to 59 years, and 32% in those 60 to 65 years at diagnosis. Pointwise probabilities, with 95% CIs, of being in each of the states are shown in supplemental Table 1.