Expression of autophagy-related genes in HSCs derived from P5 and 4-week-old mice. (A) Expression level of autophagy-related genes was compared between P5 neonatal and 4-week-old mice HSCs by RNA-seq. Graphs show expression value estimated based on RPKM (n = 4 in each condition; *P < .05 by Student t test). (B) Enrichment of gene sets KEGG_REGULATION_OF_AUTOPHAGY, POSITIVE RETULATION OF AUTOPHAGY, and NEGATIVE RETULATION OF AUTOPHAGY within differentially regulated genes in P5 neonatal and 4-week-old mice HSCs. (C) Autophagy activity in P5 neonatal and 8-week-old adult HSCs was assessed by CYTO-ID staining. Graph shows fluorescent intensity relative to the value of P5 HSCs pretreated without chloroquine. Data are presented as means ± SD (n = 3 in each condition, 2 independent experiment; *P < .05 by Student t test). (D) Atg7fl/fl and Atg7fl/fl; Vav-Cre HSCs were fixed and stained with LC3 antibody. Autophagy flux was calculated from the geometric fluorescence intensity (GeoMFI) of LC3 in the absence or presence of chloroquine24 (The value of GeoMFI in the presence of chloroquine was divided by the value of vehicle). Data are presented as means ± SD (n = 3 in each condition, 2 independent experiments; *P < .05 by Student t test).