VPS45 is essential for mouse embryogenesis at an early stage. (A) Representative polymerase chain reaction–based genotyping results of postnatal progeny derived from Vps45 heterozygous intercrosses. Primer sets 1 and 2 used to identify control and heterozygous (Het) mice are shown in supplemental Figure 5A. M, DNA marker. (B) Genotyping results of 148 postnatal pups derived from Vps45 heterozygous intercrosses. (C) A representative uterus derived from heterozygous intercrosses dissected at E13. Arrowheads show smaller implantation sites, indicating embryos that either died or were severely delayed in development. Scale bar, 5 mm. (D) Representative pictures of excised embryos derived from Vps45 heterozygous intercrosses at E13, E11, and E7.5. Scale bars, 5 mm. (E) PAS-stained cross sections of paraffin-embedded E7.5 embryos derived from Vps45 heterozygous intercrosses showing the embryonic ectoderm (EE), endoderm (EN), and mesoderm (ME). Scale bars, 1 mm.