Influence of HRG on FXII autoactivation and FXI activation. (A) FXII was incubated with 100μM polyphosphate for 15 minutes in HBS buffer containing 2mM CaCl2 and 12.5μM ZnCl2. After 10 minutes, aliquots were removed and FXIIa generation was determined by monitoring the hydrolysis of 500μM Biophen CS11–22. The data points represent the mean ± SE of 2 separate experiments. Data were analyzed by nonlinear regression (line) to determine the IC50. (B) To examine the influence of HRG on FXI activation, 10nM FXIIa was incubated with 0 to 1μM HRG, 100nM HK, 10% APTT-SP, and 120nM FXI in HBS buffer containing 12.5μM ZnCl2 and 2mM CaCl2. Aliquots were removed, and FXIa generation was determined by monitoring the hydrolysis of 600μM S-2366. Rates of chromogenic substrate cleavage in the presence of HRG were normalized relative to that obtained in its absence. The data were fit to a rectangular hyperbola equation (line) to determine the IC50. The data points represent the mean ± SE of 2 experiments.