Figure 2.
Mutational spectrum of T-LBL. An overview of recurrently mutated genes (VAF cutoff, >10%) and alterations in T-LBL. The samples are sorted into 3 sections: primary samples from relapse− patients, primary samples from relapse+ patients, and relapsed cases, as indicated at the bottom of the panel. The frequency of mutations (Mut. Freq.) and name of the pathways is indicated to the left. The names of the genes and the type of mutations are indicated on the right. The number of mutations identified by targeted sequencing is displayed at the top of the plot as bar plots. TRG rearrangements (ABD), PTEN deletions (PTENdel), and LOH6q alterations are displayed in a subpanel below. *BCL11b was not part of the targeted panel, but was analyzed by Sanger sequencing. Samples that failed in targeted sequencing are represented in dark gray boxes.

Mutational spectrum of T-LBL. An overview of recurrently mutated genes (VAF cutoff, >10%) and alterations in T-LBL. The samples are sorted into 3 sections: primary samples from relapse patients, primary samples from relapse+ patients, and relapsed cases, as indicated at the bottom of the panel. The frequency of mutations (Mut. Freq.) and name of the pathways is indicated to the left. The names of the genes and the type of mutations are indicated on the right. The number of mutations identified by targeted sequencing is displayed at the top of the plot as bar plots. TRG rearrangements (ABD), PTEN deletions (PTENdel), and LOH6q alterations are displayed in a subpanel below. *BCL11b was not part of the targeted panel, but was analyzed by Sanger sequencing. Samples that failed in targeted sequencing are represented in dark gray boxes.

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