High prevalence of clonal hematopoiesis at low VAF in individuals ≥80 years, dominated by DNMT3A and TET2 variants. (A) Mutational landscape for somatic variants detected in this elderly cohort. Blue and red color indicate respectively 1 or ≥2 variants per gene. (B) Proportion of individuals carrying a somatic variant in recurrently (>10×) mutated genes. (C) VAFs for all detected variants in recurrently (>10×) mutated genes. (D) Bar plot showing the proportion of individuals with CH, stratified into 3 age groups. (E) Forest plot showing the odds ratio with 95% CI for the presence of most prevalent gene variants according to a 1-year increase in age. (F-G) Highest observed VAF (scatter plot) and number of somatic variants (violin plot) per individual categorized in 3 age groups. The horizontal line and rectangle represent median values for the respective group. The category of spliceosome variants includes SF3B1, SRSF2, and U2AF1.