Figure 2.
Sex and exposure to DNA damaging toxicities as a risk factor for clonal hematopoiesis at high age. (A-D) The mutational spectrum displayed according to sex. (E-H) The mutational spectrum according to the risk of exposure to DNA damaging toxicities. (A,E) The proportion of individuals with CH. (B,F) The highest observed VAF for individuals with CH. Boxplots represent the median and 25th to 75th percentile, with whiskers extending to the highest and lowest 5th percentile. (C,G) Violin plots show the number of somatic variants for individuals with CH, with rectangles indicating the median. (D,H) The proportion of individuals carrying a recurrent (>10×) gene mutation. The category of spliceosome variants includes SF3B1, SRSF2, and U2AF1.

Sex and exposure to DNA damaging toxicities as a risk factor for clonal hematopoiesis at high age. (A-D) The mutational spectrum displayed according to sex. (E-H) The mutational spectrum according to the risk of exposure to DNA damaging toxicities. (A,E) The proportion of individuals with CH. (B,F) The highest observed VAF for individuals with CH. Boxplots represent the median and 25th to 75th percentile, with whiskers extending to the highest and lowest 5th percentile. (C,G) Violin plots show the number of somatic variants for individuals with CH, with rectangles indicating the median. (D,H) The proportion of individuals carrying a recurrent (>10×) gene mutation. The category of spliceosome variants includes SF3B1, SRSF2, and U2AF1.

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