Figure 2.
Alternative splicing events in HSPCs. (A) Number of genes that were differentially alternatively spliced in each HSPC subset. Pie charts illustrate the percentages of 5 types of splicing events. SE, skipped exon; RI, retained intron; MXE, mutually exclusive exons; A5SS, alternative 5′ splicing site; A3SS, alternative 3′ splicing site. (B) Representative display of differential OS9 exon usage in AA compared with control (Ctrl). Pie charts demonstrate the ratio of exon-exclusion isoform (blue, isoform#1) to exon-inclusion isoform (white, isoform#2). Bulk indicates the aggregation of single-cell data. (C) Percentage of different types of splicing events associated with up- or downregulated genes in AA. (D) Heat-map showing the top 20 enriched terms of differentially alternatively spliced genes in HSPCs. Colors indicate logarithmic transformed adjusted P values (Benjamini-Hochberg correction). (E) Enriched terms of differentially alternatively spliced genes between each patient with AA (n = 6) and 3 healthy controls based on bulk RNA-seq. Dot sizes represent enrichment scores and dot colors represent logarithmic transformed adjusted P values (Benjamini-Hochberg correction). (F) Venn diagram showing the overlap of differentially alternatively spliced genes in AA and MDS compared with Ctrl in aggregated HSPCs. Top 4 enriched GO terms ranked by P values (hypergeometric test) are shown for each gene set. Representative display of shared skipped exon events for DNA repair-associated genes in AA (G) and MDS (H) of aggregated HSPCs.

Alternative splicing events in HSPCs. (A) Number of genes that were differentially alternatively spliced in each HSPC subset. Pie charts illustrate the percentages of 5 types of splicing events. SE, skipped exon; RI, retained intron; MXE, mutually exclusive exons; A5SS, alternative 5′ splicing site; A3SS, alternative 3′ splicing site. (B) Representative display of differential OS9 exon usage in AA compared with control (Ctrl). Pie charts demonstrate the ratio of exon-exclusion isoform (blue, isoform#1) to exon-inclusion isoform (white, isoform#2). Bulk indicates the aggregation of single-cell data. (C) Percentage of different types of splicing events associated with up- or downregulated genes in AA. (D) Heat-map showing the top 20 enriched terms of differentially alternatively spliced genes in HSPCs. Colors indicate logarithmic transformed adjusted P values (Benjamini-Hochberg correction). (E) Enriched terms of differentially alternatively spliced genes between each patient with AA (n = 6) and 3 healthy controls based on bulk RNA-seq. Dot sizes represent enrichment scores and dot colors represent logarithmic transformed adjusted P values (Benjamini-Hochberg correction). (F) Venn diagram showing the overlap of differentially alternatively spliced genes in AA and MDS compared with Ctrl in aggregated HSPCs. Top 4 enriched GO terms ranked by P values (hypergeometric test) are shown for each gene set. Representative display of shared skipped exon events for DNA repair-associated genes in AA (G) and MDS (H) of aggregated HSPCs.

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