MSC gene expression profile. (A) Subnetworks of the main enrichment map from c5 biological process gene set enrichment analysis results. Red and blue nodes represent the up- and downregulated gene sets in AML-MSCs, respectively. (B) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of transcriptional profile of h-MSCs (green, n = 6) or h-MSCs when cocultured with AML cells for 4 days (iAML-MSCs, dark green, n = 19). t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) showed the distribution of h-MSCs and iAML-MSCs, with specification of the genetics referred to AML cells cocultured with h-MSCs. (C) Heatmap showing the average expression level of the 51 common genes between AML-MSCs and iAML-MSCs with respect to h-MSCs. (D) Gene ontology involving the 51 common genes between AML-MSCs and iAML-MSCs with respect to h-MSCs. Codes inside the circles are the GO number representing the gene ontology category (supplemental Table 7). Color scale indicates FDR q value (0-0.05), whereas circle dimension indicates the number of genes belonging to the pathway.