Figure 3.
Prior therapy status, best response, and time in the study for all patients. Refractory: patients who were exposed to the indicated therapy and progressed while receiving treatment or within 60 days after stopping treatment. Sensitive: patients who were exposed to the indicated therapy but did not progress while receiving therapy or who discontinued therapy because of toxicity. Naïve: patients who did not have prior exposure to the indicated therapy. aPatient 35 was also refractory to nivolumab and elotuzumab. BTZ, bortezomib; IXA, ixazomib; K, carfilzomib; LEN, lenalidomide; MR, minimal response; N, no; No., number; PD, progressive disease; POM, pomalidomide; PR, partial response; sCR, stringent complete response; SD, stable disease; THAL, thalidomide; Y, yes.