Figure 3.
Transcriptional comparison of skin- and blood-derived malignant T cells in CTCL. (A) Representative transcriptional trajectory analysis of malignant skin- and blood-derived T cells from a CTCL patient (SS1). Colored by tissue of origin (top), inferred CNV subclones (middle) and activation to resting score ratio (bottom). (B) Pairwise comparison of differentially expressed genes between skin- and blood-derived malignant T cells of 5 CTCL patients (SS1-MF stage IV1). (C) Plots showing expression of selected “T-cell activation” and “cell-cycle” genes in malignant T cells found in circulation and skin. (D) Violin plots showing T-cell activation to resting score ratios, across malignant T cells from skin and blood of 5 CTCL patients (SS1-MF stage IV1).