SVs across whole-genome-sequenced samples. (A) UpSet plot showing the intersection of SV calls across DNA extracted from CD4+ T cells isolated from untransduced healthy donor T cells (donor), CD4+ CAR T cells from the CAR T-cell product (product), expanded from patient 2’s peripheral blood (blood) and directly isolated from the malignancy (CAR T Malignancy). SVs detected uniquely within each sample are shaded in colors, maintained throughout the figure. On the bottom left is the number of calls per sample; intersections between samples (black) are shown by connecting bars in the lower right plot. (B) Distribution of SVs called uniquely for each sample, including SV type (3UTR, 3′ untranslated region; 5UTR, 5′ untranslated region; DEL, deletion; DUP, duplication; INS, insertion; INV, inversion; ncRNA, noncoding RNA; pseudo, pseudogene; TRA, translocation; TTS, triplex target DNA site), the length of each SV, and the genomic annotation per SV.