Figure 5.
HOD RBCs remain detectable in the marginal sinus despite losing surface antigen over time. HOD RBCs were isolated and stained with DiO, resulting in a fluorescently distinct population. (A) PBS or DiO-labeled HOD RBCs (red) were injected into HOD− B6 recipients, followed by splenic harvest at the indicated time points after transfusion and immunofluorescent staining of FO B cells (IgD; yellow) and MZ B cells (CD1d; blue). Samples were analyzed using a Leica SP8 multiphoton confocal microscope with a ×10 or ×40 objective . Scale bars, 100 μm. (B) Quantitation of HEL, OVA, and Duffy antigen levels detected by flow cytometry at the time points indicated posttransfusion. ****P < .0001, ***P < .0003 1-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test. ns, not significant.

HOD RBCs remain detectable in the marginal sinus despite losing surface antigen over time. HOD RBCs were isolated and stained with DiO, resulting in a fluorescently distinct population. (A) PBS or DiO-labeled HOD RBCs (red) were injected into HOD B6 recipients, followed by splenic harvest at the indicated time points after transfusion and immunofluorescent staining of FO B cells (IgD; yellow) and MZ B cells (CD1d; blue). Samples were analyzed using a Leica SP8 multiphoton confocal microscope with a ×10 or ×40 objective . Scale bars, 100 μm. (B) Quantitation of HEL, OVA, and Duffy antigen levels detected by flow cytometry at the time points indicated posttransfusion. ****P < .0001, ***P < .0003 1-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test. ns, not significant.

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