Typical cytology of vitreoretinal lymphoma. Reconstruction from 4 fields of the same cytospin (magnification x100 m) (A) May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining of a diluted vitrectomy specimen. Cytospin shows 2 large lymphoid cells with basophilic cytoplasm and irregular nuclei, with several nucleoli corresponding to large lymphomatous cells. A small reactive lymphocyte (inset) was visible on another field of the same cytospin. (B) Immunochemistry with an anti-CD3 antibody and alkaline phosphatase–antialkaline phosphatase (APAAP) staining showing the negativity of a large lymphoma cell and the positivity of a reactive lymphocyte (inset). These 2 cells were identified in 2 different fields on the same cytospin. (C) Immunochemistry with an anti-CD20 antibody and APAAP staining showing the positivity of a large lymphoma cell and the negativity of a reactive lymphocyte (inset). These 2 cells were identified in 2 different fields on the same cytospin.