Focusing of the CD8+ but not CD4+ or entire CD3+TRB repertoire is linked to GVL effect. Comparison of CD8+ (A), CD4+ (C), and entire CD3+ (E) TRB diversity via inverse Simpson’s index (1/D) in patients with GVL effect (green; n = 14) and those without (orange; n = 11). The graph shows the time point before occurrence of first GVL/noGVL (closed circles) and the first occurrence of GVL/noGVL (closed squares) for each patient. The higher the inverse Simpson’s value, the higher the TCR repertoire diversity. Change of CD8+ (B), CD4+ (D), and entire CD3+ (F) TRB diversity at first GVL occurrence and patients without GVL in percent is displayed. CD3+ diversity data were calculated based on the cell frequencies of CD8+ and CD4+ cells (eg, CD3+ 1/D was calculated as sum of CD8+ 1/D × frequency of CD8+ of CD3+ and CD4+ 1/D × frequency of CD4+ of CD3+). Statistical analysis was performed by Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed ranked test (two-tailed) (A) and Mann-Whitney test (two-tailed) (B). Black lines represent median; error bars show the interquartile range. **P < .01; ns, not significant.