The oncogenetic landscape of PRC2-altered T-ALL. (A) Oncoplot depicting the genetic anomalies observed in PCR2 WT or altered T-ALL cases of the GRAALL-2003-2005 studies. For each case, their immunophenotype, the presence of defining alteration, and their relapse risk classifier are indicated. The ETP classification is separate from the other immunophenotypes; therefore, some T-ALL cases are both considered as ETP and immature or αβ in the analyses. Genes are classified by functional groups. The right panel indicates the overall frequency of alterations per gene in PRC2 WT or ALT patients. Statistical differences were compared by Fisher tests. (B) Bar graphs showing the significant association between PRC2 status and the maturation arrest stage. Annotations indicate the incidence of each maturation arrest stage among the entire cohort. The γδ stage is omitted because no significant difference is observed in this subgroup. PRC2 WT ETP cases are also considered as immature for 13/135 and αβ for 2/135 cases. For the PRC2-altered, ETP cases count as immature in 18/50 and αβ in 2/50. (C) Bar graphs displaying significant association between PRC2 status and the defining T-ALL genetic events. Annotations indicate the incidence of each event among the entire cohort. The exact P values from Fisher’s tests are indicated.