Activation of zebrafish and human plasmas by gel-purified RNA from RBC lysates. (A-B) Left graphs show increasing fibrin formation with increasing time in the kinetic coagulation assay. The curves were obtained from (A) zebrafish plasma with RNA (A) and human plasma with RNA or FXII-deficient (FXII–) (B) human plasma with RNA; both panels show plasma with Dade Actin and in the absence of RNA or Dade Actin (control). The bar graphs on the right show a significant shortening of the time to half-maximal fibrin formation (using data from the left graphs) (A) for zebrafish plasma with RNA and without RNA (control) and (B) for normal human plasma with RNA and FXII– human plasma with RNA (n = 4). The time (in minutes) was plotted against the absorbance at 405 nm at 25°C. The data were analyzed using Student t test and are shown as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). ****P < .0001.