Expression of EpoR-tdTomato in subsets of spleen and liver macrophages, BM HSCs, progenitors, megakaryocytes, and B cells. (A) Flow cytometric analysis of EpoR-tdTomato in spleen macrophages. (a) Left panel: representative plot of F4/80 vs forward scatter height (FSC-H) of CD45+ cells revealing F4/80+ macrophages; right panel: plot of EpoR-tdTomato vs FSC-H of the F4/80+ cells revealing EpoR-tdTomato+ macrophages. (b) Left panel: representative plot of F4/80 vs CD11b of the CD45+ cells; right panel: plot of EpoR-tdTomato vs FSC-H showing the expression of EpoR-tdTomato in the CD11bHigh population. (B) Flow cytometric analysis of EpoR-tdTomato in liver macrophages. (a) Left panel: Representative plot of F4/80 vs FSC-H of CD45+ cells revealing F4/80+ macrophages; right panel: plot of EpoR-tdTomato vs FSC-H of F4/80+ cells revealing the EpoR-tdTomato+ macrophage population. (b) Left panel: Representative plot of F4/80 vs CD11b of CD45+ cells; right panel: plot of EpoR-tdTomato vs FSC-H of F4/80HighCD11bLow showing the expression of EpoR-tdTomato in CD11bHigh population. (C) western blot analysis of pStat5 of the enriched spleen F4/80+ macrophages stimulated with various concentrations of EPO. (D) western blot analysis of pStat5 of the enriched liver F4/80+ macrophages stimulated with various concentrations of EPO. (E) Expression of EpoR-tdTomato in HSCs, MPPs, CMPs, MEPs, GMPs, and CLPs. (F) Left panel: representative plot of CD41 vs FSC-H of CD45+ cells revealing BM megakaryocytes; right panel: plot of EpoR-tdTomato vs FSC-H of CD41+ cells showing the expression of EpoR-tdTomato in subsets of megakaryocytes. (G) Left panel: representative plot of CD19 vs FSC-H of CD45+ cells; right panel: plot of EpoR-tdTomato vs FSC-H of B cells showing the expression of EpoR-tdTomato in subsets of B cells. (H) western blot analysis of pStat5 of the sorted BM CD19+EpoR-tdTomato+ cells stimulated with various concentrations of EPO. N = 3. WT, wild type.