The SE landscape of pAML. (A) Similarity of primary pAML and adult AML patient samples by unsupervised hierarchical clustering of H3K27ac signal at consensus SE regions. (B) Similarity of pAML cell lines and samples by unsupervised hierarchical clustering of H3K27ac signal at consensus SE regions. Cytogenetic and molecular features depicted for each cell line and sample. Notes: replicates of the cell line Kasumi1 and the sample BM102004 were included (denoted “_1,” “_2,” and “_3”). “CBF” = core-binding factor, “Const tri 21” = a patient with trisomy 21 presenting with transient myeloproliferative disorder, and “NK” = normal karyotype. (C) Core consensus SE regions ranked according to the product of frequency and amplitude of H3K27ac signal (FASE). Consensus SE regions were defined as SE regions present in >25% of samples. (D-E) Core pAML SE-associated genes compared with known Gene Ontology (GO) signatures (D) and MSigDB C2 curated gene sets (E). Gene sets are represented by strength of significance as depicted by –Log10(P-value). (F) Enhancer ranking of three core SE-associated genes across all pAML samples. RARA SE status defined by red (present) or blue (absent) in the right panel.