The majority of pAMLs contain a RARA SE, which is correlated to unique SE-associated genes. (A) Fraction of pAML samples with or without the RARA SE within cytogenetic and molecular subgroups. (B) Meta tracks of H3K27ac ChIP-seq signal (rpm/bp) at the RARA SE locus of RARA SE+ and SE− samples. (C) Rank ordering of SEs by Pearson correlation (p-corr) to the RARA SE. Select genes associated with SEs with high and low p-corr are highlighted. (D) H3K27ac ChIP-seq meta tracks at loci of SEs with high and low correlation to the RARA SE as seen in panel C. (E-F) Perturbation gene sets (MSigDB C2) enriched by gene set overlap in the SE genes strongly correlated (E, n = 693 genes, 220 SEs; cutoff, top 5% of SEs by RARA p-corr) and poorly correlated (F, n = 264 genes, 220 SEs; cutoff, bottom 5% of SEs by RARA p-corr) to the RARA SE.