Figure 1.
Incidence and temporal course of CAR T-cell–mediated hematotoxicity. (A) Cohort description: the primary end point could not be evaluated because of early death (n = 17), incomplete data collection (n = 5), or loss to follow-up before neutrophil recovery and day 60 (n = 1). (B) Proportional incidence of severe anemia (hemoglobin ≤8 g/dL or requiring transfusion), severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count ≤50 g/L), and severe neutropenia (ANC <500 cells per µL; light green) in all patients in the study (n = 235). Neutropenia was further subdivided into protracted (≥7 days) and prolonged (ANC < 1000 cells per µL after day 21). The darker shade of green indicates profound (ANC < 100 cells per µL) neutropenia. (C) Aggregated median ANC over time for 149 patients from the European training and validation cohorts (longitudinal complete blood count sampling was not obtained for the US validation cohort). Measured events per time point are provided in supplemental Table 3. Light shading depicts the 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of the median for each time point. Fludarabine-cyclophosphamide lymphodepletion (LD) was administered on days −5 to −3, and CAR T-cells were transfused on day 0. (D) Aggregated median ANC curves by clinical phenotype of neutrophil recovery. The bar represents the relative distribution of phenotypes. (E-F) Aggregated median platelet count and hemoglobin over time (n = 149). Abs., absolute; LMU, Ludwig Maximilian University; PLT, platelet.

Incidence and temporal course of CAR T-cell–mediated hematotoxicity. (A) Cohort description: the primary end point could not be evaluated because of early death (n = 17), incomplete data collection (n = 5), or loss to follow-up before neutrophil recovery and day 60 (n = 1). (B) Proportional incidence of severe anemia (hemoglobin ≤8 g/dL or requiring transfusion), severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count ≤50 g/L), and severe neutropenia (ANC <500 cells per µL; light green) in all patients in the study (n = 235). Neutropenia was further subdivided into protracted (≥7 days) and prolonged (ANC < 1000 cells per µL after day 21). The darker shade of green indicates profound (ANC < 100 cells per µL) neutropenia. (C) Aggregated median ANC over time for 149 patients from the European training and validation cohorts (longitudinal complete blood count sampling was not obtained for the US validation cohort). Measured events per time point are provided in supplemental Table 3. Light shading depicts the 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of the median for each time point. Fludarabine-cyclophosphamide lymphodepletion (LD) was administered on days −5 to −3, and CAR T-cells were transfused on day 0. (D) Aggregated median ANC curves by clinical phenotype of neutrophil recovery. The bar represents the relative distribution of phenotypes. (E-F) Aggregated median platelet count and hemoglobin over time (n = 149). Abs., absolute; LMU, Ludwig Maximilian University; PLT, platelet.

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