CSF NGS-MRD assay as a prognostic tool for the risk of CNS recurrence in lymphoma. (A) Cumulative incidence of CNS recurrence in the prospective cohort of patients with no known CNS involvement (n = 22), stratified by the result of the CSF NGS-MRD assay at diagnosis; P-value by log-rank test; 2 of 8 NGS-MRD+ and 0 of 14 NGS-MRD− patients with CNS relapse. (B) Amount of clonotypic DNA in the CSF (each dot represents a specific DNA sequence; sequences that were undetectable were excluded), measured as copy number per milliliter of acellular fluid, per 106 diploid genomes in the cell pellet fraction, and as the clonotype frequency (in both types of material), according to subsequent CNS relapse status. The bars show medians and interquartile ranges; note logarithmic scale on the left and middle panels; P-values are by+ nonparametric Somers’ D statistic adjusted for within-patient clustering. (C) Lack of correlation between CSF contamination by blood (as measured by red cell count per mm3 of CSF) and abundance of clonotypic DNA in the same CSF sample, measured by copy number per milliliter (of the CSF acellular fluid), copy number per 106 diploid genomes (in the CSF cell pellet), or as clonotype frequency in both fractions; P-values by nonparametric Somers’ D statistic adjusted for within-patient clustering; a linear fit with 95% CI bands is also shown. (D) Clonotypic DNA sequences in patients’ plasma (n = 10), measured as cfDNA copy count per milliliter of plasma, and as clonotype frequency among all B-cell genomes. (E) Lack of correlation between the abundance of clonotypic DNA in paired plasma and CSF samples (n = 10), as measured by copy count per milliliter and clonotype frequency in the acellular CSF. P-values by nonparametric Somers’ D statistic adjusted for within-patient clustering; a linear fit with 95% CI bands is also shown.