Allele-specific methylation of ASNS gene in human T-ALL cell lines. (A) A heat map of methylation status of each CG nucleotide in the CpG island of the ASNS gene in representative cell lines. (B) Mean percent methylation of the ASNS gene in 22 human T-ALL cell lines. (C) Typical histograms of ASNS gene methylation in weakly, intermediately, and highly methylated cell lines. Horizontal axes indicate percentage methylation of each NGS read; vertical axes indicate the frequency of NGS reads. (D) Methylation status of PEG10, DLX5, TAC1, and ASNS in 3 representative T-ALL cell lines with different ASNS methylation status. LOUCY is ASNS highly methylated cell line, HPB-ALL is ASNS intermediately methylated cell line, and JURKAT is ASNS weakly methylated cell line. The top panel is a schematic representation of gene configuration. The horizontal axes indicate percent methylation of each NGS read, and the vertical axes indicate frequency of reads. (E) Methylation status of eight genes at the imprinted gene cluster of 7q21 in six T-ALL cell lines. ALL-SIL and LOUCY are ASNS highly methylated cell lines, KOPT-5 and HPB-ALL are ASNS intermediately methylated cell lines, and CCRF-CEM and JURKAT are ASNS weakly methylated cell lines. The top panel is a schematic representation of gene configuration. The bottom panel is a heat map of the mean percent methylation levels of each gene in each cell line.