A single-cell resolution atlas of E10.5 AGM. (A) Schematic representation of FACS populations based on Runx1bRFP, Gfi1tomato/Gfi1bGFP, and Gfi1GFP/Gfi1bGFP reporter mouse models. Cells isolated from Runx1bRFP reporter include FACS-MESRunx1b-het (CD41−CD45−TER119−CDH5−KIT−Runx1b:RFP+), FACS-ENDORunx1b-het (CD41−CD45−TER119−CDH5+KIT−Runx1b:RFP-), and FACS-HERunx1b-het (CD41−CD45−TER119−CDH5+KIT−Runx1b:RFP+). Cells isolated from Runx1bKO include FACS-MESRunx1b-KO (CD41−CD45−TER119−CDH5−KIT−Runx1b:RFP+), FACS-ENDORunx1b-KO (CD41−CD45−TER119−CDH5+KIT−Runx1b:RFP−), and FACS-HERunx1b-KO (CD41−CD45−TER119−CDH5+KIT−Runx1b:RFP+). Cells isolated from Gfi1tomato/Gfi1bGFP are as described in Figure 1A. FACS-HEGfi1/1b-KO (CD41−CD45−TER119−CDH5+KIT−Gfi1:GFP+) was isolated from Gfi1GFP/Gfi1bGFP reporter. (B) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) plots showing all cells (left), heterozygote cells only (middle), and KO cells only (right). Cells are colored by FACS populations. (C) Two-dimensional UMAP with cells colored by in silico clustering. (D) Expression of venous endothelial (Nrp2), arterial endothelial (Gja5, Vwf), hematopoietic (Gfi1b), and mesenchymal (Bmp4, Dlk1) genes in the UMAP plot. (E) Violin plots combined with box and whisker plots showing the normalized expression (logcounts) of indicated genes in each cluster. The color coding is identical to panel C. Medians are shown as a solid black line; boxes indicate the upper (75%) and lower (25%) percentile; whiskers indicate ±1.5 times the interquartile range (IQR). Outliers (values > or <1.5 IQR) are shown as dots. AE, arterial endothelial; EHT, endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition; ENDO, endothelial; HE, hemogenic endothelium; IAHC, intra-aortic hematopoietic clusters; UC, unclassified; VE, venous endothelial.