RNA-seq shows pevonedistat and ruxolitinib alter distinct signaling pathways. (A) Differentially expressed genes after ruxolitinib and pevonedistat treatment in HEL cells. Cells were treated with 1 µM pevonedistat, 0.5 µM ruxolitinib, or DMSO control for 24 hours. (B) GSEA of the top 10 altered Hallmark pathways after pevonedistat treatment from HEL RNA-seq. (C) GSEA of the top 10 altered Hallmark pathways after ruxolitinib treatment from HEL RNA-seq. (D) Enrichment scores of top altered pathways after pevonedistat treatment. Enrichment scores of top altered pathways after ruxolitinib treatment. (E) Heatmap showing key NFκB and apoptosis pathway regulators of HEL cells treated with DMSO control, pevonedistat, ruxolitinib, or combination (1 µM pevonedistat and 0.5 µM ruxolitinib for 24 hours) from RNA-seq analysis. Samples provided in duplicate and calculate values denote row z-score. (G) Top altered Hallmark pathways with GSEA after ruxolitinib and pevonedistat combination treatment from HEL RNA-seq.