Figure 2.
The perturbed homeostasis observed in the NKimm group is confined to NK cells. Systems level immune mapping by flow and mass cytometry. (A) Differences in the density of cells from each group visualized in a tSNE map. (B) Relative expression of selected markers for main immune cell lineages and (C) other assessed markers shown on a t-SNE clustering of sampled events from all individuals (n = 29). Aggregated group level analysis of major immune cell subsets (D) and subset-level (E-G) analyses. Data shown in heat maps are depicted as median log2-fold change as compared with HD. Frequencies were drawn from the parent population. HD (n = 10), NP (n = 10), and NKimm (n = 9). *P < .05; **P < .01, by nonparametric test. t-SNE, t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding.

The perturbed homeostasis observed in the NKimm group is confined to NK cells. Systems level immune mapping by flow and mass cytometry. (A) Differences in the density of cells from each group visualized in a tSNE map. (B) Relative expression of selected markers for main immune cell lineages and (C) other assessed markers shown on a t-SNE clustering of sampled events from all individuals (n = 29). Aggregated group level analysis of major immune cell subsets (D) and subset-level (E-G) analyses. Data shown in heat maps are depicted as median log2-fold change as compared with HD. Frequencies were drawn from the parent population. HD (n = 10), NP (n = 10), and NKimm (n = 9). *P < .05; **P < .01, by nonparametric test. t-SNE, t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding.

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