Transcriptional profile of the NKimm-cell repertoire: dysregulation of the proliferation and apoptosis machinery. RNA sequencing of the NK-cell compartment. (A) There were 152 DE genes in the HD and NKimm groups combined (105 upregulated and 47 downregulated) and 107 DE genes in the NP and NKimm groups combined (62 upregulated and 45 downregulated) after filtering for log2 FC > 1.2. (B) Venn diagram displaying the shared DE genes between NKimm/HD and NKimm/NP groups. (C) Topology and content of the protein-protein interaction network driven by shared DE genes in CD56+ NK cells of the NKimm group. (D) Heat maps illustrating median log2-fold change in expression of NKimm-unique genes identified by cross-referencing shared DE genes in panel B to DE genes in HD NK cell/CD56bright NK-cell controls. (E) Query of NKimm-unique seeds and related nodes (blue) in the PPI network that, when identified in GO biological processes are highlighted (teal). HD (n = 4), NP (n = 8), and NKimm (n = 7). DE, differentially expressed.